Sunday, 24 April 2011

the role of being 'al-one' in the game of 'being all one'

it speaks for itself that a long post that i had written just simply disappeared and i start again - obviously i am meant to formulate this quite differently? 
there is no such thing as 'all of us being connected' before we each one of us are not connected to ourselves. the journey there (and for most of us a journey indeed is involved in finding ourselves) isn't all that pleasant. introspection, and brutal honesty with self, is a key ingredient. i compare it to the traditional japanese tea ceremony in a purposefully built tea house, where you, the visitor/guest, crawl through a tiny opening into the interior of the house, leaving outside all that you thought was you, material and non material stuff. aren't we terrified of the thought to be without our job, without our house, our car, our family, our city, our country - just one 'me'. and take this even further, by observing who it is that is looking at this 'me'... 
who would you otherwise suggest that others should actually connect to/with ? who and what, if not to your essence, your soul, the undiluted truth -warts 'n all. 
have a shopping spree through this poem here below, pick out what you can for today and notice, next time when you stand in a queue somewhere how it may feel different as far as 'connectedness' is concerned, how it becomes easy and effortless to 'visualise and imagine' humanity in the near future all actually being connected... sense this energy grid, the, the divine matrix, the global coherence or simply this unconditional love, with all else left outside that little tea house, way back in the past.

 Love after Love (Derek Walcott)
The time will come
when, with elation
you will greet yourself arriving
at your own door, in your own mirror
and each will smile at the other's welcome,

and say, sit here. Eat.
You will love again the stranger who was your self.
Give wine. Give bread. Give back your heart
to itself, to the stranger who has loved you

all your life, whom you ignored
for another, who knows you by heart.
Take down the love letters from the bookshelf,

the photographs, the desperate notes,
peel your own image from the mirror.
Sit. Feast on your life. 

until next time

love and light
p.s. re 'game' : life is actually meant to be fun! you thought otherwise?

Saturday, 2 April 2011

the great no-thing at the beginning of any creation

stars over himalayas - anton jankovoy (thank you!)
this one has taken me a while - have been pondering on the purpose of actually writing a blog, whether a blog is a 'one way communication or not and if yes, whether it is any different to a book? 
it is quite easy to loose track of one's mission, one's passion with so much else going on, it shouldn't be; 
i would assume and i do hope that my sense of this blog being 'interactive' of it being creating openness in you to become creative is on the right track. mind you, there's no wrong or right in any of this...
which then brings me to today's topic which has played on my mind since my last post: 
the limitation of knowledge and information
now, to those of you who haven't been very interested in academic knowledge this may sound like a miracle prophecy - and by no means do i recommend to skip the schooling process - as long as you bear in mind that you must remember how to think, and not just learn what to think, ok?
the thing with knowledge is that, once it's there, it is really tough to put anything else in that place. metaphorically speaking the invention of the wheel did not happen with the concept of the wheel already in place. instead it was at the moment of 'void' , with no thing (no-thing) in place, that a 'something' could be taking place, quite simply at a quantum leap level, so to say. 

you probably have experienced this in a different context: when you were desperately trying to remember where you put your keys, or when you were 'recking' your brains to find a solution to a problem... what happened for you to get to where you wanted to get?
you let go, that's right. you allowed a 'void' to take place, handing it over to the universe, so to say. 
that would be a nice thought and is probably not totally untrue, and for the purpose of this project vision it may be advisable to create a little human exercise to facilitate this 'universal wisdom'.

imagine an elevator - traveling down from your head, your mind into your heart, taking the question you had there, in your mind, straight down with it, right into your heart. then, become really quiet, even if at first this is only half a second of 'no words time', that's great. keep wondering where the next thought might come from, while that idea, that question is right there in your heart... until your mind becomes still, long enough.... 
keep doing this, without attachment and certainly watch the 'mind chatter' coming back (that's your ego and your left brain trying to defend their job!). at some stage there will be a moment where your infinite wisdom from your right hemisphere, in connection to your heart will give you an answer.

remember, at first there is no-thing... in maori legend, there first was 'te kore', the great nothing, the great void, out of which all creation happened. 

the greatest distance for a man is not the distance from here to the sun, it is the journey from the mind to the heart.

you are a divine being, having a human experience. so get creating
