who knows what intuition is?
oooooh, it's 'weird stuff' !?
please do bear in mind that these are only my thoughts, my opinion - my mere suggestions; they are paired with my purest heartfelt intention of opening you up to your own tools, tools that you never knew you had. it will allow you to save on consulting outside 'media' for answers that are really and exclusively inside of you.
intuition is like a muscle that you can train. working alongside - but mostly against it is our intelligent mind, our intellect, our conscious, academic mind, filled with information.
for me, intuition can be compared to 'your soul whispering to you, from your heart, from deep inside you'... now how many times have you recently followed that kind of calling?
as much as intuition or guidance is a natural flow of things, in this world of information - where we think we consciously know it ALL - it still has this 'new age, weird, mystic air' about it (and certainly no insurance broker or lawyer would cut you a deal on it).
in my many many years of research, i may want to add, passionate research about what kept people safe at the last second ( i don't want to follow the typical double blind study kind of way, please do question me on here and i will point you toward the various studies, be it burning oil rigs, boats, mines or - the current topic - earth quakes) : these 'alarm bells' , this inclination, feeling, sense, hair on the neck standing up, not feeling right in my heart - sort of feeling:
do trust it !
if it's not (yet) working for you, this is a good time to practise it. why ??? it overrides limiting beliefs that you may have picked up at a time when you were in a 'hypnogogic state' ( as in young age or 'tranced' or 'spaced out' in front of a tv, and had no way to NOT believe what was said)... i can see that his is another topic to get into - later on.
more urgently and to the point today is: how do you practise that 'intuitive muscle' of yours?
for those of you who work with intuition all the time, please be patient and wait for the next post.
those who have been living in your 'intellect' and academic mind, where nothing else counts other than facts, numbers and science: right as you read this... close your eyes, just observe what your heart is doing, become aware of that area in your tummy, does it feel relaxed and 'smiling' or does it feel tense? and then in your head, if you located that spot between your eyes or even became aware of that area on top of your head, sort of what feels like a crown... that's it
as you breathe in a relaxed way and smile at those couple of areas... what 's it like? how does it feel? what are the colours you are getting from those areas? are there any messages, sounds, voices coming from there?
there are numerous ways to practise your intution, and i will leave it at that for today. but not without a bit of homework:
with any of what has been happening ( and do - believe me please - respect, honour and compassionately share your feelings ) : for yourself, what is the first thought that you had in relation to the latest 'strong news' ? what is the first emotion you experienced?
stay with that - share if you can on this blog - and i will expand and talk more about this next time.
your 'good news' for today is that you are far less stressed, disease prone, violence/addiction destined than many others... because you have just begun to become aware of 'things'
bless you
love and light
kia kaha
my intention for this blog is for it to be a creative platform for children - regardless of their age. each transformation takes place with 'a vision' in place, by memes or imaginal cells holding an idea of what there is to be. so get dreaming, create your vision and share it. i hope my ideas and insights can be of assistance in the process to generate heart connectedness for humanity to evolve, in love.
Monday, 21 March 2011
what children want to see in the future - the first few answers
(i find i can type faster when i ommit the 'cap' button. i do apologise if this should offend language/grammar purists and i promise i 'll go back to old time style if it keeps you from embracing what i want to share and what i'd love you to take part in..., besides i just learnt today that i am a 'wayseer' www.wayseermanifesto.com and have this sense that in these times of change something much more than the 'stuff' we have in place is needed, so there: i'm a wayseer, i want to type fast and that's my way. besides, i grew up with 'mr duden' in my mother tongue, german, and despite adaptive changes over the years i think it is ... no, i wont' say that here)
i have asked a few children and think that this is possibly one way to go (to ask them directly there and then, in person... until this blog becomes a familiar platform for 'play, vision and creation' ) so here is what these beautiful creations see in their future:
- i just want the pressure that money has on us to disappear
- i want to 'live' outside the box with people who feel comfortable being outside the box themselves. i'm tired feeling inadequate, just because i don't fit other people's box
- time for us humans has such a special value - we need to be able to appreciate it more
- may there be music, always
and with that i will move on to the next post.
love and light
Sunday, 20 March 2011
Fear - and its final days
Over the past 10 years - ever since I first read about a possible pole flip - I have looked at this idea with a sense of curiosity: 'wow, what if this really happens?'
Not too much of an expert, but still lovingly passionate about sailing, I could see due north and magnetic north steadily distancing themselves from each other over time.
And as seems to be the 'law of attraction' it is almost unbelievable how much information on this has been given to me over time, from both a scientific, a spiritual and 'completely wacky' stand point.
Today we have a prediction of 'the closest full moon in 19 years', we also have a very high chance of facing another earthquake and with most of us looking at the images of devastation in Japan there is a real sense of 'uncertainty' out there. Our local shops actually had people queuing outside and all shoppers walked out with huge loads of groceries.
So yes, what if ... what if something major happens today?
What this is all about on here is creating a vision - interestingly enough Barbara Marx Hubbard's new movie 'Vision' has just been released. http://www.visionsthemovie.com/ I have not watched it yet, but followed closely what will be created by producing it. I did watch the previous production, 'Humanity Ascending' and these are some of the thoughts I want to share from it:
- Quantum transformations are nature's tradition
- Problems are evolutionary drivers
- Awareness of our capacity for conscious evolution is the key revelation of the 21st century
My observations of the past couple of years were that whatever an individual's personal lesson seems to be, it sort of escalates at the moment. The oscillating energy between outside circumstances and humanity's re-actions all appear emphasised, stretched at a high potency.
Above all, I am noticing FEAR and many fear-based reactions.
Dr Gregory Berns in his books and talks about 'Iconoclasts' gives us a precise insight into the human brain and what it does and doesn't do in a state of fear. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SIwMKFV7lFk
What stands out for me in this stunning piece of research is that fear directly co-relates with creativity! Now, this is something that has been said in different ways and different areas, and Berns' presentation seems to me the most plausible one.
Today our key message really is to be aware of our fear - and no matter what it is that we are afraid of, address it, become aware of it, accept it, integrate it and move through it. Failing to do so we are creating an energy field that will not be strong enough to hold the shifts that are happening, simply because we will not be able to live from our heart.
It is in our heart that we have more 'intelligence' than we were ever aware of, we also have enormous foresight, and it is from the heart that our own energy field, our aura, our matrix is formed and shaped.
Our heart is also the place where from we all connect to one another and bring this 'we are all one' notion to reality.
So, please do live from your heart, take your power back - it is through fear that you are being deprived of your birth rights - and for a day like today, you are depriving yourself of something as fundamental as just trust.
There will be no room for fear in a world that you - the children - nurture back in its most fundamental values: trust, love, care, joy and fun.
Try it on, hold a vision in your mind's eye, about something you want to see in the future, then curiously observe the mind chatter that comes with it. And never ever let go of that vision of yours, for no reason what so ever
As long as there is fear, there will be no creativity.
And to create solutions for problems that are being created at the present moment you will need to find solutions by creating them.
Love and light and Kia Kaha
Not too much of an expert, but still lovingly passionate about sailing, I could see due north and magnetic north steadily distancing themselves from each other over time.
And as seems to be the 'law of attraction' it is almost unbelievable how much information on this has been given to me over time, from both a scientific, a spiritual and 'completely wacky' stand point.
Today we have a prediction of 'the closest full moon in 19 years', we also have a very high chance of facing another earthquake and with most of us looking at the images of devastation in Japan there is a real sense of 'uncertainty' out there. Our local shops actually had people queuing outside and all shoppers walked out with huge loads of groceries.
So yes, what if ... what if something major happens today?
What this is all about on here is creating a vision - interestingly enough Barbara Marx Hubbard's new movie 'Vision' has just been released. http://www.visionsthemovie.com/ I have not watched it yet, but followed closely what will be created by producing it. I did watch the previous production, 'Humanity Ascending' and these are some of the thoughts I want to share from it:
- Quantum transformations are nature's tradition
- Problems are evolutionary drivers
- Awareness of our capacity for conscious evolution is the key revelation of the 21st century
My observations of the past couple of years were that whatever an individual's personal lesson seems to be, it sort of escalates at the moment. The oscillating energy between outside circumstances and humanity's re-actions all appear emphasised, stretched at a high potency.
Above all, I am noticing FEAR and many fear-based reactions.
Dr Gregory Berns in his books and talks about 'Iconoclasts' gives us a precise insight into the human brain and what it does and doesn't do in a state of fear. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SIwMKFV7lFk
What stands out for me in this stunning piece of research is that fear directly co-relates with creativity! Now, this is something that has been said in different ways and different areas, and Berns' presentation seems to me the most plausible one.
Today our key message really is to be aware of our fear - and no matter what it is that we are afraid of, address it, become aware of it, accept it, integrate it and move through it. Failing to do so we are creating an energy field that will not be strong enough to hold the shifts that are happening, simply because we will not be able to live from our heart.
It is in our heart that we have more 'intelligence' than we were ever aware of, we also have enormous foresight, and it is from the heart that our own energy field, our aura, our matrix is formed and shaped.
Our heart is also the place where from we all connect to one another and bring this 'we are all one' notion to reality.
So, please do live from your heart, take your power back - it is through fear that you are being deprived of your birth rights - and for a day like today, you are depriving yourself of something as fundamental as just trust.
There will be no room for fear in a world that you - the children - nurture back in its most fundamental values: trust, love, care, joy and fun.
Try it on, hold a vision in your mind's eye, about something you want to see in the future, then curiously observe the mind chatter that comes with it. And never ever let go of that vision of yours, for no reason what so ever
As long as there is fear, there will be no creativity.
And to create solutions for problems that are being created at the present moment you will need to find solutions by creating them.
Love and light and Kia Kaha
Saturday, 12 March 2011
22nd February 2011 - and the 'Kali' card
When I returned from my 6 o'clock swim and was ready to begin the second day of our training course in Kaiapoi, just as I was heading out I felt that I needed some guidance. So I opened one of the boxes of 'cards', they felt so powerful, meaningful in my hands and I lay out just one card:
Kali - for the new to come in, the old must go!
Wow, I thought and then asked: maybe this relates to this very new concept of body - mind diagnostic that we were teaching?
When I drove to our venue I recalled myself saying that 'hindsight will let us know, why the other parts of our event (which we had named BLiSS) didn't take place, noticed how my energy shifted and asked my training partner whether I could begin the morning with a small meditation.
I am still new to presenting and training, so I observed with curiosity how the words that followed came with intent, from my heart and free from any 'personal drama': In a couple of minutes the participants and myself connected to the very centre of the earth and all there is underneath us, right up through our crown chakra to all there is above, and while so connected to mother earth and father sun and the universe and beyond noticing the learning that could be kept in the intelligent mind and also becoming aware other learning that can be felt in our hearts, and from there, from our hearts, radiating this out into the space around us, further and further, across lands, countries, continents, universes ... and returning into our 'earthly bodies' with a sense of gratitude.
A second 'wow' this morning; 'where had this information just come from? Especially since mid way the music that I had played along the meditation had stopped - still it all felt just the way it had to be.
Only a few hours later, in midst a practical demonstration we experienced the room shaking, first asked everyone to stay calm and then the voice of my training partner: 'under the tables, now!' 12: 51, a 6.3 earthquake had struck and we were to find out that it had caused unspeakable devastation in the city of Christchurch; where we were in Kaiapoi it had further toppled buildings that had been heavily damaged in the 7.4 earthquake on 4th September 2010.
Walking our talk, we made everyone jump, shake, wave their arms, chuckle - to get rid of any trauma that people may have had; the next few aftershocks took us out of the building, definitely evacuating now and we learned that the upstairs room's ceiling had collapsed in parts.
The rest of the day was spent in shock and disbelief about the incoming pictures on TV, while only a few cellphones allow us to get in touch with our nearest and dearest.
It wasn't until more than 24 hours later that I had this sudden realisation, while listening to people talk about quakes, the devastation and generally 'what was the world coming to' ?
There had been a lot of talk about 2012, movies had been made, predictions were shared, conspiracy artists had basked in a sea of grandiose ideas, within shortest of time the 'heart-opening' of some people had regressed into an 'ego' centred smallness and there I thought:
Our children, the children of this world, each and every single one of them: What really is the future vision that our children have of this world? Had we adults managed to close the chapter for them by 2012, had they bought into all this, or had they not heard of any predictions and - most importantly - were they emotionally re-active to any of this?
I am as new to this kind of writing as I am to larger presentations or trainings so - to quote a much admired trainer of mine - I am going to be allowed to get it totally wrong, the first time. Phew
In this blog I hope to create a place that completely eliminates 'fear' in this world amongst our children, and instead creates a net or field of 'trust, compassion and love'.
I believe that if all the world's children become 'one' in this, we will generate enough positive shift in our consciousness to allow the next phase in human evolution to begin - and the sun to shine.
All comments are allowed, all languages, all spellings, grammar or not grammar: this is to create for you what you want to see in your life, on your planet. Please be respectful of others, there is no right or wrong in this, all will be heard and all have a say. Let's co-create and weave this 'illusion' that we call 'life' into what it is that you actually want.
Now that my first big hurdle is overcome, actually the first real big one was to create the blog and set the intention - anyway, it feels very light and positive and I look forward to sharing my next thoughts on here and even more so, reading yours.
Love and light, Barbara
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