Sunday 20 March 2011

Fear - and its final days

Over the past 10 years - ever since I first read about a possible pole flip - I have looked at this idea with a sense of curiosity: 'wow, what if this really happens?' 
Not too much of an expert, but still lovingly passionate about sailing, I could see due north and magnetic north steadily distancing themselves from each other over time. 
And as seems to be the 'law of attraction' it is almost unbelievable how much information on this has been given to me over time, from both a scientific, a spiritual and 'completely wacky' stand point. 

Today we have a prediction of 'the closest full moon in 19 years', we also have a very high chance of facing another earthquake and with most of us looking at the images of devastation in Japan there is a real sense of 'uncertainty' out there. Our local shops actually had people queuing outside and all shoppers walked out with huge loads of groceries. 

So yes, what if ... what if something major happens today? 

What this is all about on here is creating a vision - interestingly enough Barbara Marx Hubbard's new movie 'Vision' has just been released. I have not watched it yet, but followed closely what will be created by producing it. I did watch the previous production, 'Humanity Ascending' and these are some of the thoughts I want to share from it:

- Quantum transformations are nature's tradition
- Problems are evolutionary drivers
- Awareness of our capacity for conscious evolution is the key revelation of the 21st century

My observations of the past couple of years were that whatever an individual's personal lesson seems to be, it sort of escalates at the moment. The oscillating energy between outside circumstances and humanity's re-actions all appear emphasised, stretched at a high potency. 
Above all, I am noticing FEAR and many fear-based reactions. 

Dr Gregory Berns in his books and talks about 'Iconoclasts' gives us a precise insight into the human brain and what it does and doesn't do in a state of fear.
What stands out for me in this stunning piece of research is that fear directly co-relates with creativity! Now, this is something that has been said in different ways and different areas, and Berns' presentation seems to me the most plausible one. 

Today our key message really is to be aware of our fear - and no matter what it is that we are afraid of, address it, become aware of it, accept it, integrate it and move through it. Failing to do so we are creating an energy field that will not be strong enough to hold the shifts that are happening, simply because we will not be able to live from our heart. 
It is in our heart that we have more 'intelligence' than we were ever aware of, we also have enormous foresight, and it is from the heart that our own energy field, our aura, our matrix is formed and shaped. 
Our heart is also the place where from we all connect to one another and bring this 'we are all one' notion to reality. 

So, please do live from your heart, take your power back - it is through fear that you are being deprived of your birth rights - and for a day like today, you are depriving yourself of something as fundamental as just trust.

There will be no room for fear in a world that you - the children - nurture back in its most fundamental values: trust, love, care, joy and fun. 

Try it on, hold a vision in your mind's eye, about something you want to see in the future, then curiously observe the mind chatter that comes with it. And never ever let go of that vision of yours, for no reason what so ever 
As long as there is fear, there will be no creativity.
And to create solutions for problems that are being created at the present moment you will need to find solutions by creating them. 

Love and light and Kia Kaha

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